The Fair Jobs Code (Code) was launched by the Minister for Industry Support and Recovery on 10 August 2022, fulfilling a 2018 Victorian Government election commitment to use its substantial purchasing power to put Victorian workers first.

The Code demonstrates a positive change to how the Victorian Government does business with suppliers and companies bidding for procurement contracts and applying for significant grants. The initiative will help promote job security, foster positive relationships between employers and employees, and encourage workplace equity and diversity.

The Code is part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to supporting fair labour standards and safe, secure and inclusive workplaces for employees. It will apply to suppliers bidding for goods, services, and construction procurements worth $3 million or more, and businesses applying for significant business expansion grants of $500,000 or more with a commitment to create new jobs.

The Code is being administered by the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) and information about the Code including requirements, supplier guidelines and transitional arrangements can be found on the Buying for Victoria website.

Fair Jobs Code Standards

  • Promotes fair labour standards.
  • Encourages compliance with employment, industrial relations and workplace health and safety obligations.
  • Promotes secure employment and job security.
  • Fosters cooperative and constructive relationships between employers, employees and their representatives.
  • Promotes workplace equity and diversity.
  • Encourages supply chain companies to comply with similar employment standards.

Under the Code, suppliers and businesses bidding for government contracts will require a Fair Jobs Code Pre-Assessment Certificate to show a history of compliance with employment, industrial relations and workplace health and safety laws as specified in the Code, including through remediation activities.

Suppliers and businesses will need to provide a Fair Jobs Code Plan (FJC Plan) for large supply contracts of $20 million or more and significant business expansion grants of $500,000 or more. The FJC Plan must demonstrate compliance with industrial relations, occupational health and safety requirements and standards, while delivering a procurement contract or grant agreement.

The Code takes effect from 1 December 2022 and applies to tender documents and grant applications released from this date. To find out more about the Code or apply for a Pre-Assessment Certificate, visit:

The Fair Jobs Code works with Local Jobs First, the Social Procurement Framework and the Supplier Code of Conduct to ensure businesses and suppliers put workers first, and by recognising and rewarding those who provide secure employment and fair work practices; operate sustainably, promote equality and diversity; and focus on creating local jobs and supporting local industry. The collective impact of these initiatives will help drive ethical business behaviour, meaningful job opportunities and a thriving Victorian economy.

For more information about the Code, visit or email