The Victorian Government has funded the Industry Capability Network (ICN) Victoria to provide expanded services to local businesses in Geelong, Ballarat, Bendigo and Shepparton for the next two years. ICN Victoria is a not-for-profit organisation that seeks to maximise opportunities for local industry.

ICN Victoria will work closely with businesses in the Bendigo region to help connect them with State Government projects, including infrastructure projects and services to government agencies. It will also hold events in Bendigo for suppliers and help local companies register to have greater opportunity to supply into government projects.

Through Local Jobs First, the Victorian Government has to date set local content requirements for 97 Strategic Projects, with a combined total value of over $57 billion — supporting over 30,000 local jobs.

The Government recently enshrined Local Jobs First into law, with the Victorian Industry Participation Policy (Local Jobs First) Amendment Bill passing Parliament. The Bill mandates minimum local content on major projects to help create more jobs for Victorians and support local industry to grow.