These types of services are subject to Local Jobs First where the total project value meets the Local Jobs First thresholds – this includes the full construction, manufacturing or service delivery phase.

This ensures that local small and medium businesses and workers are given full and fair opportunity to access government contracts.

If you receive a contract to deliver a design project:

  • Your contract will make clear whether Local Jobs First applies and what you need to do.
  • Importantly, you will need to include in your tender documents a Local Industry Development Plan outlining the local content and jobs to be delivered as part of your contract.
  • As a designer you also have considerable influence over the local industry engagement for the full project. It is therefore important that you consider local industry when making design specifications. This means that where local items can be used in the project, they should be considered.
  • You will be required to monitor and record your achievements against the committed local content and jobs, provide periodic reports and maintain the records to support compliance and audit activities.
  • Once your work is finalised, you will need to report on the delivery of your Local Jobs First  commitments.
  • Remember that you will need to complete the monitoring table attached with your Local Industry Development Plan. This will be easy if you have been using ICN Analytics and other monitoring tools during the project delivery.
  • It is important to keep the records of your achievements as projects are audited and other compliance activities may also be undertaken.