The Local Jobs First Commissioner recently met with Simon Thorn, Executive Manager of Skills and Training and Julie Ferry, Manager of Apprenticeships from the Victorian Registration and Qualification Authority (VRQA).
The VRQA is Victoria’s education and training regulator, working to ensure and support the quality of education and training in Victoria. Education is a vital component to the development of future generations of Victorians and VRQA plays an important role in applying appropriate standards to education and training providers; accrediting courses and qualifications. In addition to this, they also register apprentices and trainees, approving their employers.
Discussions held with VRQA focused on opportunities for collaboration between the two offices, looking at ways in which to improve development pathways for apprentices and trainees engaged in government projects.
As a result of this initial meeting, the Local Jobs First Commissioner and VRQA will meet on a regular basis to share information and discuss initiatives to advance development pathways for apprentices and trainees.
The Office of the Local Jobs First Commissioner prides itself on being an advocate for Victorian businesses working closely with government agencies and businesses to maximise local industry participation on Government projects. It is through dialogues like these that we can further support the delivery of Local Jobs First and encourage collaboration between the different sectors.