As we all settle into the new year and return to work after the break, I wanted to use this opportunity to highlight an aspect of our plans for the next twelve months.  

While our first year in office was one of success and very much about engaging and explaining to multiple stakeholders how Local Jobs First operates, this year we will have a stronger focus on the sectoral groups within the different supply chains and their roles in supporting the delivery of the Local Jobs First policy.

Collaboration across the different sectors and businesses in the supply chains has always been and will continue to be a vital component in the implementation and success of Local Jobs First.  

As Victoria’s inaugural Local Jobs First Commissioner, I am committed to ensuring SMEs, apprentices, cadets, contractors and all Victorian workers have a fair and equal opportunity to participate in government procurement.  

Since 2016, we have had over four million contracted hours provided to 3700 apprentices, trainees and cadets, across one hundred and sixteen projects which were worth collectively over sixty-three billion dollars.  

The Victorian Governments ongoing investment across all industry sectors will continue to provide opportunities for our local businesses.  

I will be reaching out to many more Victorian SMEs in the coming months throughout the different sectoral groups and look forward to meeting you if I have not already.  

I wish you all the best in the new year and look forward to continuing to work with you all. I would also encourage you to follow our LinkedIn page here to stay up to date with the latest from our office and any upcoming events
